Thursday, July 24, 2014


Catherine's first crush is one of Michael's best friends, Sid. Not sure how long the first crush is going to last, but it's been almost a year. Fortunately Sid is a boy we all love. He's kind, polite, and cute. I always wonder what their future boyfriends or girlfriend are like. Are we going to like them?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

All JCrew

JCrew hat, sweater, necklace, 3"chino shorts
Rayban sunglasses

Almost sleepover

They had fun, then it's bedtime... Almost, but ended by calling mom over to pick them up. Little girls' first sleepover attempt. It's precious that they are still homesick, that they still need to be in the same house as their parents, that they still need mom and dad. Time will come soon enough for them to fly out of the house. So, there's no rush for a real sleepover. Attempted and almost sleepover is just good for now for them and for us, the parents.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Swim meet

First swim meet of this summer(6/28/2014). Summer life officially started for the kids.
Genevieve got a second place in 5&6 years old group.