Monday, October 20, 2014

The family is complete with Cailin

Finally I gave in to the kids and Husband. Finally we got a dog, the dog, the Golden Retriever puppy, who we named Cailin. It means "girl" in Gaelic. Finally our family is complete. I know I'm out of my mind for taking on the role of newly mom again when at this point of my life I could just enjoy six hours of peace in the day time. It's all over again with a puppy. Feeding, potty training, and just in general that be with the "baby" and give her full attention.
She is a cutie though. That makes it a little easier for me to love her. I hate to say this, but I'm not an animal person. I didn't grow up with dogs or cats or rats. I think we had couple of canaries at one point and then somehow they escaped from the cage one day. But I never felt the loss and sadness.
Life is messy enough. Why do I want a dog to make a already messy home messier? Or in the other way the home is already messy, so why not add another member?
I prayed about this for a few days after seeing the sadness in my daughter's eyes after we attempted to adopt a dog but didn't get chosen to be the adopter. I pray to God at the tenderest moment that for the sake of the kids, I would like to take the responsibility and I would open my heart to accept and love a dog. So God arranged this whole thing including me happened to find this breeder with 3 puppies left, and Husband really wanted to drive an hour and half to see the puppies and we brought home Cailin on the same day.
One week later, after many peepee, poopoo, throw-up incidents in the house I find myself starting to really fall in love with Cailin.
So here she is...


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